Sunday Service
Sunday morning service at 10.30am (communion on the first Sunday of the month).
Tea, Toast and Toys
Mondays 9.00 – 11.30am (term-time)
A session for pre-school children and their carers.
After a busy start to your day, let us bring you some tea and toast, while the children play with the toys, including a large ball pit, and big play blocks.
Bible Study
Fridays 10.30 – 11.30am,
We are a friendly group who meet informally, with tea or coffee, from 10.15am at St Andrew’s.
You are welcome to join us without any pressure to read, or speak, or to join in as you you wish.
We usually follow the weekly set Bible readings, so the study gives time for discussion about the subject covered in the sermon on the following Sunday.
Scripture readings are related to contemporary issues and news stories.
Whether you normally attend this church, another church, or no church, you are very welcome.